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Fairy Lights……


It’s a sad and shocking statistic that at Christmas time incidents of domestic violence and friction increase dramatically. And why should that be? Is it the close proximity of other family members, that one usually never sees except over the Festive season, that irritates? Is it the increased Alcohol intake that causes people to become more aggressive? Or is it the sudden boredom that some some people suffer over the Holiday season?

No, I think I know why tempers are flared and fuses are short over Christmas. In two words, FAIRY LIGHTS! [Read more →]

Firework Fetish 2: Indoor Fireworks

Pic of 1960's indoor firworks by Martin Weselby (600 x 395)

There’s major part of my “Fetish” that I didn’t mention. Sadly it isn’t something I’ve experienced since probably the late 60’s, and that’s Indoor Fireworks. Indoor Fireworks you ask, surely some mistake? Not the type that Sergeant Alan refers to in his comment on “Firework Fetish”? No, you read me right, mini Pyros for use INSIDE the home. [Read more →]